• LocationWalsall, West Midlands, Darwall Street, WS1 1DA**
  • Our Working HoursOpening times: 24 hours a day*
  • Phone Us!Call Now: 0344 947 0952

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For enquiries, fill out the form below and we will respond anytime, day or night, within two hour, where possible.

Walsall Pest Control Testimonials

Customer Name: Julian Jenkins.
I recently had work carried out by your group. I am writing to inform you of my satisfaction on the standard of the work and the approach of the engineers.
My wife and I were impressed by the engineers manner; we found them to be courteous and helpful. They contacted us over the phone on two occasions to arrange a time for them to call and on both occasions were true to their word and punctual.
I honestly believe them to be a credit to your company and even though I acknowledged their workmanship at the time, I would appreciate it, if you would let them know of my satisfaction of their part in the task carried out.
Thank you for a job well done!

Want to speak to an expert?
Call: 0344 947 0952

Example Of Our Pest Services

Bed Bugs
Adults are 5mm long, reddish brown in colour with well developed antennae. The primary hosts are mammals, from cats and dogs to humans. Any household can be invaded by bed bugs, and as they cannot fly, they must either crawl or be passively transported in clothing, luggage, furniture or any other object that can be used as a harbourage. Even pets can unknowingly transport them.

Possible sources may be from areas of high population density such as hostels, hotels and holiday camps. These choose to make their home in warm areas, typically in bed linen, mattresses, and even woodwork near beds, although they can infest sofas and other items of upholstery.

Like fleas, they feed on blood, although most species only feed on humans when there is no other food available.

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